Thursday, February 23, 2012

Unfolding Passion

Growing up, I never thought I would be working in the teaching line. I remember I decided to be a doctor from 12 years of age and the dream continued until I was in my lower 6 form (18 years old).

My life changed then

As I skimmed through the "Doctor Job" guidebook, I stumbled upon occupational therapy. Then I realise, THIS is what I have actually wanted to be. Basically wanting to be a doctor for me is simply wanting to be able to diagnose and treat people. After the golden moment of realisation, I then realise I could be something more than just diagnosing and treating people, I would be able to get myself even more engage personally with the patients.

However upon completion of STPM, in the UPU form, I applied for physiotherapy, thinking that I actually read on physiotherapy but not on physiotherapy in the "Doctor Job" guidebook. Regret sank in as I anticipated a disappointing future.

No regrets

Having been a lecturer for 2 months now, I realise I love it more day by day. I have told myself that to be a clinician would always be my first preference but after tonight, I changed my mind. Upon leaving my job as a clinician in December 2011, the sadness was felt as treating patients while establishing a personal bond with them, is something that I know I would dearly miss and I realise now I do. They are not just patients to me, they are almost as good as family. From a one-way caring relationship becomes a two-way caring relationship with them persistently showing their support for my decisions and showing compassion whenever I was in a predicament.

Now as a lecturer, I never thought I would come home smiling when thinking about my students. My desires are clearly to build the profession of physiotherapy in Malaysia and I believe the best way is for me to shape this future rehab specialists into what I believe would be a patchwork of intelligence and corrected errors. Within my transient period of practise, I realise various pores in the grounds of Malaysian physiotherapists' practise that could be filled with evidence-based practise, with pure compassion and with the perseverance to discharge patients. I believe room for refinement is of vast capacity, and by showing true love towards my students, they would be able to see my intentions to build them is my utmost priority.

I could only share with them on what I have been through but the real challenge is to have them experience and overcome what they have been trained to overcome. I realise with this small age gap between my students and myself, it is of great advantage to me as the potential source of lecturer-intimidation towards them should be of minimal level for self-expression. I only hope for them to be working very hard for I hope they realise that I am someone who works more than the extend of their sight, and it's purely for their future and the future of the profession and for the smallest future of myself. I could only pray for their confidence to stand up to other professions, to be able to be erected as a great physiotherapist and to be respected as an analytical physiotherapist.

After attending the event organised by the students tonight, I would have to express my gratitude to all present, for making me love more of what I do and for making me love all of you more than I thought possible.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Veni, Vedi, I Voice Out

I am not Julius Caesar nor am I a Latino (I wish) nor do I speak Latin. However we know it means "I came, I saw, I conquered".

Veni Vedi Voice Out

Looking at the physiotherapy scene in Malaysia, again as I have mentioned before, we are still a baby trotting on padded needles as I feel that many of us are progressing not towards development but progressing towards the misinterpreted realm of contentment and satisfaction at minor achievements.

We have all been in a quandary where we, for example have a knee osteoarthritis patient with pain, and unsure of whether to provide TENS, hot pack, shortwave diathermy, ultrasound or other therapeutic modalities.

We have all seen how we physiotherapists educate patients on the correct posture as well as the maintenance of it but we notice how we physiotherapists ourselves have poor posture.

We have all realise how some other health profession dispute the effectiveness of physiotherapy, ridicule the physiotherapists themselves, judging us with the utmost disgust and thinking that we are as equal as the "tukang urut jalanan".

We have all heard how contented some of us physiotherapists are at just having a diploma when we should be getting higher qualifications, possibly to the level of PhD.

We have all seen, heard, realised these problems however are any of us doing anything about it? I know many who are aware of this predicaments and inadequacies but are too fearful of having it voiced out. Many would prefer to live with a problem rather than making a change in fear of jeopardising their reputation amongst other physiotherapists or individuals.

I am not experience, nor am I smart nor the best in physiotherapy, however I dare to voice out things that I see might be improved. I dare to be hated for doing the right thing rather than being loved by doing what has been longed practised which might not be right. I challenge those who care for the profession to express your views, ideas and solutions for the better good of the physiotherapy profession in Malaysia.

Ideas should lead to voices which should end in progressive changes. I am proud to be associated with Malaysian physiotherapists who see possibilities of improvements and putting it to reality.

Monday, October 31, 2011

It Feels Good

It feels good today to walked a stroke patient who have not walked for 8 months.

It feels good the other day to have cured a patient's back pain, suffered for 10 years and have such great trouble sleeping at night.

It feels good to have helped people return to a normal and impairment free life

Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't be contented
with your level of
skills and knowledge,
be hungry for more